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Route Planning
Bicycle boulevards are a key component of a low-stress bikeway network, which includes off-street paths, cycle tracks, and some bike lanes. These facilities appeal to a wider spectrum of the population than just bike lanes along busy streets.

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Bicycle Boulevard Signs and Pavement Markings
Signs and pavement markings are often a starting point for designation of a bicycle boulevard. Together with the intended lack of a centerline, these elements indicate to road users that a roadway is intended to be a shared, slow street.

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Speed Management
Slower motorist speeds improve the bicycling environment by reducing overtaking events, enhancing drivers’ ability to see and react, and diminishing the severity of crashes if they occur. Maintaining motor vehicle speeds closer to those of bicyclists greatly improves bicyclists’ comfort

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Volume Management
Motor vehicle traffic volumes affect bicyclist comfort, particularly on roadways with shared travel lanes such as bicycle boulevards. Higher vehicle volumes are less comfortable and lead to a greater potential for conflicts.

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Minor Street Crossings
Minor streets include residential or local streets, which have low motor vehicle volumes. The optimal bicycle boulevard minimizes delay and prioritizes bicycle boulevard right-of-way at local streets and minor collectors.

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Major Street Crossings
At locations where the bicycle boulevard crosses a major street that has right-of-way priority over the bicycle boulevard, a variety of treatments improve visibility and reduce delay for bicyclists.

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Offset Intersections
Bicycle boulevards typically traverse local streets, which may not always be continuous and therefore may require bicyclists to turn onto another street for a short distance before turning again to resume the original direction.

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Green Infrastructure
Bicycle boulevards provide a good opportunity to provide street trees and other plantings, as these elements can be integrated with traffic speed and volume management treatments.

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References for Bicycle Boulevards: 52 found.