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Bike Share and Shared Micromobility Initiative

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Bike share and shared micromobility services have rapidly evolved as new transportation options that offer opportunities to increase cycling, improve urban mobility, and bolster public transit usage.

These systems can also play an important role in cities’ safety, livability, and sustainability efforts by making it easier for people to get around without a personal vehicle. To facilitate conversations between peer cities around this emerging field, NACTO organizes roundtables, workshops, and webinars, and conducts research on best practices and challenges in regulating shared micromobility systems.

This work is made possible by the Better Bike Share Partnership and ClimateWorks.

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Shared Micromobility Snapshots

Since the first modern North American bike share system launched in Montreal in 2009, shared micromobility has ushered in a transportation revolution, providing safer, cheaper, and more accessible ways for people to get around.

NACTO’s latest Micromobility Snapshot analyzes data from across the U.S., and finds that bike share, e-scooters and other micromobility systems have become a crucial part of urban transportation networks, with at least half a billion trips on micromobility systems in the country since 2010.

Our analysis finds micromobility has become a crucial part of city transportation networks, and that bikeshare and e-scooter systems were key to moving essential workers during the pandemic. As the bike boom continues, city approaches to regulating micromobility must evolve.

Check our the 2023 Micromobility Snapshot >

See snapshots from previous years: 2022, 2020-2021, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2010-2016


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Related NACTO Publications

Shared Micromobility Permitting, Process, and Participation

NACTO’s working paper Shared Micromobility Permitting, Process, and Participation outlines emerging trends in how cities manage micromobility networks, including the growth of electrified devices, the selection of operators based on strategic goals, and regulations to better organize devices. The paper also offers cities tactics for making systems more equitable and effective, from creating collaborative planning processes to investing in bike infrastructure and piloting low-speed zones for vehicle traffic.

Guidelines for Regulating Shared Micromobility

NACTO’s Guidelines for Regulating Shared Micromobility outlines best practices for cities and public entities regulating and managing shared micromobility services on their streets. Its recommendations were developed to reflect the wide variety of experiences that North American cities have had in regulating and managing shared micromobility.

Strategies for Engaging Community

Strategies for Engaging Community, produced in coordination with the Better Bike Share Partnership, provides guidance for practitioners seeking to build meaningful relationships with communities they serve as they plan for and operate bike share systems.

Bringing Equitable Bike Share to Bed-Stuy

A local partnership between Bedford Stuyvesant Restoration, NYC DOT, the NYC Department of Health, and Motivate successfully changed perceptions on bike share in the community, from what some perceived to be an out-of-reach amenity for newer residents, to a tool that all residents can use to meet their own personal goals.

A How-to Guide for Learning More about Bike Share in Your Community

NACTO’s Bike Share Intercept Survey Toolkit gives detailed instructions and a bank of over 100 pre-tested questions for creating and carrying out methodologically sound on-the-street surveys, allowing you to learn more about the needs and attitudes of all members of your community.

Bike Share Station Siting Guide

Bike share can improve the pedestrian experience, help reduce traffic fatalities, and reduce inequity in cities’ transportation networks. To support cities across the country working towards all of these goals, NACTO has released the NACTO Bike Share Siting Guide, which highlights best practices in station placement and design.

Equity Practitioners’ Papers

Walkable Station Spacing is Key to Successful, Equitable Bike Share

Based on an analysis of ridership data from a variety of U.S. bike share systems, this report makes the connection between station density, service quality and equity, and provides a data-driven analysis for system operators looking to expand the reach and utility of their bike share systems.

Can Monthly Passes Improve Bike Share Equity?

This paper explores the impact of bike share pricing structures on sign-up rates, particularly in low-income communities.

Equitable Bike Share Means Building Better Places for People to Ride

Based on in-house research and analysis of other reports, this paper finds that as cities build more bike lanes, the number of cyclists on the street increases, and the individual risk of a cyclist being killed or severely injured drops.

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The Transportation Justice Fellowship

Transportation justice means all communities have access to a safe, reliable, affordable, and equitable transportation system that connects them to the places, people, and resources they need to thrive.

NACTO and the Better Bike Share Partnership recognize the need to invest resources to support and sustain the people doing the heavy work to operationalize equity across the transportation field. That’s why we launched the Transportation Justice Fellowship, a development program for early- to mid-career professionals of color working in the transportation sector.

Fellows participate in eight months of training, developing their individual and institutional capacities to create a more just and equitable mobility field. Through skills-building sessions, one-on-one coaching, special trainer visits and structured collaboration, Fellows receive deep support as they advance professionally and work on tangible ways to improve mobility for communities of color.

Learn more about the Fellowship >