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Designing Cities Conference

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NACTO’s Designing Cities Conference emphasizes the innovations of city practitioners and places city leaders front and center.

We focus on real projects on the ground, and choose our host cities intentionally with the aim of getting conference goers out into the cities to see how street design works in real life, with project leaders giving in-depth explanations of successes and challenges. 

Networking at Designing Cities is seamless because we keep the attendance at an approachable size. We curate opportunities to formally and informally connect with people, companies, and organizations in a way that maximizes the face time of these unique moments to gather. The program is highly curated, carefully planned, and executed by NACTO staff. We prioritize member input on the most important conversations that need to take place, and we go in depth on tangible outcomes.

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Designing Cities 2025: Washington, D.C.

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Designing Cities 2024: Miami-Dade

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Designing Cities 2023: Denver

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Designing Cities 2022: Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville

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Designing Cities 2012: New York City