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For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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Major Intersections
For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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Intersections of Major and Minor Streets
For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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Raised Intersections
For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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Mini Roundabout
For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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Complex Intersection Analysis
For city streets to meet the needs and demands of everyone using them, intersections—both large and small—need to function as safely and efficiently as possible. Good intersection design, however, goes beyond making streets safer. Well-designed intersections use street space to

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References for Intersections: 20 found.