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Climate Action on the Streets of Denver, Atlanta, and Minneapolis

Site Visits Kick Off Climate Challenge Accelerators in Three Cities A central goal of the Climate Challenge is to help cities develop impactful projects that will lower their carbon emissions. Its focus extends beyond this, however. The Climate Challenge is also about helping cities create institutional change; identifying and strengthening the partnerships and procedures necessary […]

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North American Cities Release Vision for Autonomous Vehicle Policy

Document Focuses on Policies Necessary for Autonomous and Future Technology to Help Achieve City Goals For Immediate Release | September 9, 2019 Contact: Alexander Engel | [email protected] | 646-568-0747 (m) (Toronto) The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) today released the second edition of the Blueprint for Autonomous Urbanism, focusing on the near-term policies […]

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Zabe Bent Joins NACTO as Director of Design

Zabe Brings Nearly Two Decades of Wide-Ranging Experience to Advance Organization’s Mission of Raising the State of Practice for Street Design in North America For Immediate Release | August 27, 2019 Contact: Alexander Engel | [email protected] | 646-324-2919 After a national search, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) is pleased to introduce Zabe […]

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Chattanooga’s E. Martin Luther King Boulevard

Last year, the City of Chattanooga redesigned a 3-mile stretch of E. Martin Luther King Boulevard, a major 4-lane east-west street in the city. This project was initiated to address longstanding safety concerns along the corridor, where the 85th percentile speed was 10-15 mph over the speed limit and the crash rate was 2.5 times […]

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The Leadership NACTO 2019 Cohort Convenes in Cambridge

At NACTO, a common refrain is that people power cities. The emerging transportation leaders who participate in Leadership NACTO make this clear. This inspiring cohort, selected for an eight-month fellowship to learn from and with professional peers, exemplify the focus and commitment of city staff who work build their communities as places for people. As […]

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Charlotte’s 6th Street Cycle Track

The Queen City is laying down bike infrastructure that’s fit for royalty. This April, Charlotte finished building Phase 1 of a two-way protected bike lane through Uptown. When complete, the 6th Street cycle track will serve as a 2-mile spine for the city’s downtown bike network, providing an all ages and ability connection between Uptown […]

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Big Data, Big Questions: Refining the Managing Mobility Data Framework

NACTO and the International Municipal Lawyers Association recently released Managing Mobility Data, a publication that outlines guiding principles for cities and companies developing data management policies. While the document was still in draft, NACTO hosted a cities-only webinar series to think through some of the major issues presented within it. Big Data, Big Questions invited […]

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Regulating for the Public Good: Bike Share Peers Meet in St. Louis

The relatively volatile landscape of shared micromobility, emblematic in the near-replacement of dockless bikes with e-scooters from 2017 to 2018, has a dual impact. New shared micromobility devices have the potential to transform our cities and how people travel. But these changes also force governments—tasked with simultaneously regulating the new operators and protecting the public […]

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