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NACTO Announces New Executive Board Leadership

Elected board includes visionary leaders from Denver, Philadelphia, Austin, Chicago, and Oakland The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) today announced the election of Eulois Cleckley, Executive Director of the Denver Department of Transportation & Infrastructure, as the board’s President. NACTO’s previous President, Robin Hutcheson, former Director of the Minneapolis Department of Public Works, […]

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City Transportation Officials Applaud Biden’s Visionary Infrastructure Plan

The White House’s American Jobs Plan Would Reorient the Country’s Transportation Priorities, Focusing on Safety, Equity, Climate, and Access “President Biden’s plan is the most visionary proposal for the nation’s transportation network since the dawn of the interstate highway system,” said Janette Sadik-Khan, NACTO Chair. “Rather than doubling down on building new roads that worsen […]

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City Leadership in a Pandemic

Last March, the world changed. In just a few short weeks, the threat of infection from COVID-19, stay-at-home orders, and social distancing requirements radically altered daily life. Globally, everyone experienced huge shifts in daily activities, from moving about the community to getting groceries to traveling to work. Essential and critical workers, including most employees in […]

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Introducing Our 2021 Transportation Justice Fellows

This post originally appeared on the Better Bike Share Partnership, a collaboration funded by the JPB Foundation to build equitable and replicable shared micromobility systems. Meet 12 individuals from across the country, all of whom are doing the heavy work of promoting equity in transportation. Throughout the course of the year, fellows will receive more […]

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The road we travel: What NACTO hopes to hear during Secretary Pete’s Hearing

Secretary Pete Buttigieg is scheduled to speak before a hearing of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee tomorrow. We are only a few months into the Biden Administration, and Secretary Pete has already been advancing a bold vision on safety, climate, and equity that is well aligned with the needs of US cities and brings […]

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A Reprieve for all Americans and the 80% of U.S. Residents Living in Cities

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director, and Janette Sadik-Khan, Chair, of the National Association of City Transportation Officials today issued the following statement in response to Congress’ passage of the American Rescue Plan:  After some false starts, Congress finally passed the American Rescue Plan, which will help American cities and their residents get back on their feet, […]

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NACTO in 2020: Cities Taking the Lead

This time last year, writing our 2019 annual report, we never would have guessed what the year ahead would hold. 2020 tested us—as individuals, as an organization, and as an industry. Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic upended lives, livelihoods, and economies, and laid bare existing inequities. The police murders of George Floyd and […]

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Climate Challenge Accelerators: Fighting for a safer future, today

Why transportation? Why now? To increase our chances for a livable, equitable future, with greenhouse gas emissions from transportation dramatically (and sustainably) reduced, it is urgent we shift a significant number of trips made in cars to lower-carbon modes, like walking, biking, and transit. Across the US, cities are the testing ground for this work. […]

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NACTO Congratulates Pete Buttigieg, U.S. Secretary of Transportation

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director, and Janette Sadik-Khan, Chair, of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), today issued the following statement on the confirmation of Mayor Pete Buttigieg as U.S. Secretary of Transportation: On behalf of 80 city transportation departments and transit agencies across the U.S., NACTO congratulates Pete Buttigieg on his confirmation as […]

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Inspired appointments poised to renew the U.S. Department of Transportation

It’s a long, hard road ahead for Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the USDOT cabinet he is expected to lead. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc on the country, endangering local governments, transit agencies, and a precarious economic recovery. Equity, safety, and environmental concerns continue to mount nationwide: pedestrian fatalities are at a 30-year high, […]

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