Place detectable warning strips along the edge of the sidewalk where passengers step into the shared raised boarding area, and along the boarding area curb where passengers board the transit vehicle. Use shark’s teeth yield markings near the top of the bicycle ramp leading to the platform.
The whole width of shared cycle track area can be used as the accessible boarding area for wheelchair lifts. However, wheelchair users must have a waiting area provided that is accessible to allow maneuvers to the space, and must be located outside of conflict areas.
Ensure cycle track is wide enough for compatibility with maintenance equipment (sweepers or plows), or enact maintenance agreements
Slope of bicycle ramp shall not exceed 1:8.
Shared boarding locations require comprehensive multi-sense information to guide visually disabled passengers. Provide audible announcements that a transit vehicle is arriving, including the route name if multiple routes are present.
Curbside activities that will conflict with bike movements and visibility (such as lay-bys or parking bays) must be prohibited at minimum 20 feet from either direction of the bike ramps.
Where transit shelter is closer than 3 feet to bike lane, it should open to the building side to maintain accessible paths and to avoid pedestrian conflicts with passing bicycles.
Shelter should be transparent to allow waiting passengers and bus operators to see each other.
Ensure bicyclists are well positioned in view of turning traffic. Terminate the boarding platform at least 10 feet from the crosswalk to allow bicyclists to queue in front of transit vehicles.