Platform must be aligned to streetcar tracks with appropriate lateral clearance for level boarding. Stops for rail vehicles may require a 9-foot moving lane next to the island, or other track or lane realignment to bring vehicles close to the platform.
Center island platforms must be either level or near-level boarding. 24-inch wide detectable warning strips should be placed along the entire boarding edge of the platform to indicate vehicle position.
Detectable warning strips must be placed on both sides of every flush pedestrian crossing.
Platform access ramp may have a maximum slope of 1:12 at a crosswalk or other crossing point, at the sidewalk and onto the platform (ADA Std. 405.2, 810.2.2).
An accessible boarding area, typically 8 feet wide by 5 feet long, must be provided to permit boarding maneuvers by a person using a wheelchair (ADA Std. 810.2.2) (see page 67), generally requiring islands to be at minimum 8 feet wide. Islands with railings along the rear side will require an extra foot of space, making the total width 9 feet.
Reflective signage or other visible raised element on the leading corner (back left corner) of the island. KEEP LEFT or KEEP RIGHT (MUTCD R4-8) or object marker (OM-3) signs may be used.
Ensure that pedestrian refuge islands crossing transitways are wide enough to allow groups of people to wait, particularly near stations. Discourage pedestrians from waiting in unsafe locations in the roadway, especially near railways. Where spacing between parallel tracks provides no clear zone between passing LRVs, clearly indicate the danger area and discourage pedestrians from waiting in this area.
Railings shall be installed along the through lane to the right of the island to control pedestrian access and discourage dangerous crossings. Channelize pedestrian movements to platform entrances with enhanced crossing treatments. Railings must not impede accessible width, usually extending the island width to at least 9 feet.
For center-boarding islands serving both bus and rail, near-level height (8–12 inches) is preferred, as buses are not typically able to access 14-inch level boarding heights.
At intersections, install refuge island tips at least 6 feet wide to provide pedestrians protection in the crosswalk.
Boarding island extensions can be used for green infrastructure, including rain gardens and other stormwater retention facilities.