A white skip line must be marked on both sides of the transit lane to indicate that vehicles may transition across it.
The right-turn pocket should be provided to the right of an offset transit lane with a transition treatment to allow vehicles to cross the dedicated transit lane.
The transition zone should be 50–75 feet at low traffic speeds, and the dedicated transit lane should resume to create an approach area that accommodates at least one transit vehicle prior to the stop bar. With 40-foot buses, the transition zone should typically begin at least 100 feet from the crosswalk.
Red dashed bars, large red squares, or elephant’s feet should be provided in the transition zone, consistent with the white skip lines, to emphasize that transit vehicles retain priority use of the lane.
The turn pocket should be 10–11 feet wide if routinely used by trucks at peak periods. 9 feet of width may be sufficient if passenger cars are the primary form of turning traffic at peak periods.
Pre-existing turning conditions should be observed carefully prior to design to ensure that transit vehicles can pass at peak transit-demand periods, often corresponding to peak queue periods.
Turn pockets should accommodate the longest routinely occurring queue, but should be no longer than necessary to clear blockages from the transit lane. All but the first 30 feet of the transition zone can be considered as part of the storage length, as peak traffic will transition extremely slowly.
Right-turn lanes can be used where general through-traffic is prohibited, requiring all private traffic to turn. Where transit transitions into a contraflow lane where all private vehicles are required to turn, it may be appropriate to transition right-turning traffic to a pocket and continue the transit lane through the intersection.
Transit lanes can be shifted to the left to create a longer right-turn lane. In this case, the transit lane functions like a transit approach lane. This configuration also permits the implementation of a boarding island between the transit lane and the turn lane.
For streets without transit lanes, a right-turn pocket can be paired with a short transit lane section at the intersection approach.