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Complete Streets Communications, St. Petersburg

NACTO is excited to offer a two-part training to St. Petersburg City Staff on May 19 and 26, 2021. This workshop will provide attendees with tools they can immediately put to use to seamlessly deliver great Complete Streets projects, per the City of St. Petersburg’s Complete Streets policy. Attendees will cover strategies to strengthen internal […]

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Equitable & Inclusive Engagement, St. Louis

NACTO is excited to offer a two-part training to St. Louis City Staff and elected officials on May 17 and 18, 2021. This workshop will highlight best practices in equitable and inclusive public outreach and engagement, particularly as it relates to historic and contemporary efforts around Calm Streets and barrier removal in the City. The […]

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NACTO Bicycle Planning Workshop

Join East-West Gateway Council of Governments and peers from across the region for this one-day hands-on bikeway design training.

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