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NACTO Announces New Executive Board Leadership

Robin Hutcheson and Eulois Cleckley Elected to NACTO Board as President and Vice President NEW YORK (January 13, 2020) – Today, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced the election of Robin Hutcheson, Director of the Minneapolis Department of Public Works, as the board’s President, and Eulois Cleckley, Executive Director of the Denver […]

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Cities Join National Roadways Standards Body, Providing Critical Voice

NACTO Joins the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as a Sponsoring Organization, Adding Expertise to Influential Roadway Markings and Signage Standards Body Washington, DC (January 9, 2020) – Today, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) was unanimously voted in as a sponsoring organization of the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control […]

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NACTO in 2019: Cities Taking the Lead

2019 is coming to a close—the whole decade is ending—and it’s time to celebrate! Since 2010, NACTO—both our staff and the brain trust of our member cities—have put in countless hours to advance a vision of streets as safe, sustainable, accessible, and equitable places. We’re proud of where we’ve come. Over the past decade, NACTO […]

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U.S. Government Cuts the Red Tape for Red Lanes

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials, issued the following statement in response to the Federal Highway Administration’s interim approval of red-colored transit lanes. NACTO applauds the FHWA for this critical milestone to improving transit infrastructure and operations, paving the way for transformative transit projects across the country without the […]

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NTSB Finds Inadequate Safeguards in Place for Self-Driving Vehicle Testing Across U.S.

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), issued the following statement in response to NTSB’s call for more stringent AV testing standards: NACTO applauds NTSB for its focus on the systemic causes behind the death of Elaine Herzburg, who was struck by an Uber self-driving SUV in March 2018. […]

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Climate Action Keeps Rolling in San Antonio and Boston

Site Visits Continue in Two Climate Challenge Accelerator Cities NACTO’s Accelerator program, much like the Climate Challenge, is centered around helping cities strengthen the partnerships and pathways they need to rapidly realize important projects—and keep building such projects once the program ends. Building off our initial Accelerator city site visits, we recently went to San […]

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Bellevue’s Downtown Demonstration Bikeway

There’s change underfoot in Bellevue–literally. A light rail alignment is being tunneled beneath Bellevue’s downtown, ultimately connecting the city with Seattle to the west via high-capacity transit. This is a game-changer for the former high-tech bedroom community: this scale of transportation investment is poised to transform Bellevue’s built environment and transportation culture, shifting decades of […]

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Off the Drawing Board: San Francisco’s Market Street

Off the Drawing Board is a series that revisits past hosts of Digital Design Charrettes, an interactive webinar that connects host cities with peers from across the NACTO network to brainstorm solutions to real-world design challenges. Read more about Digital Design Charrettes. After almost 10 years of planning, it’s official: San Francisco’s busiest street for […]

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NACTO Statement re: Mandatory Helmet Laws

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), issued the following statement in response to recommendations from the NTSB to improve bicyclist safety: For the first time since 1972, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) turned its attention to bicycle safety and released a series of recommendations to protect people […]

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San Antonio and VIA Announce Partnership with NACTO, NRDC, and Bloomberg Philanthropies to Redesign Streets for Faster Transit and Improved Safety for People Walking and Biking

This Effort, Part of the American Cities Climate Challenge, is a Down Payment on SA Climate Ready, San Antonio’s Commitment to Emissions Reductions For Immediate Release | October 22, 2019 Contact: City of San Antonio | Ashley Alvarez | [email protected] | 210-207-2098 VIA Metropolitan Transit | Lorraine Pulido, Ph.D. | [email protected] | 210-362-5868 NACTO | […]

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