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Stefanie Seskin Joins NACTO as Director of Policy and Practice

Oct 11, 2023

NACTO works hard to advocate for innovative policy and design solutions that will make our transportation systems safer, more sustainable, and more equitable. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Stefanie Seskin is joining our team as Director of Policy and Practice!

Stefanie comes to NACTO from the Boston Transportation Department, where she served as Active Transportation Director. In that role, Stefanie led a 13-person team that implemented

 Prior to joining the City of Boston in 2016, Stefanie was Deputy Director of the National Complete Streets Coalition.

As Director of Policy and Practice at NACTO, Stefanie will serve on our executive leadership team, and shape our strategy to change the paradigm for city transportation policy and street design across North America. She’ll provide strategic direction for NACTO’s technical design portfolio—including the next edition of the Urban Bikeway Design Guide—and guide major federal policy initiatives that range from rethinking vehicle design standards to re-imagining the federal regulations that shape our streets. She’ll manage a multidisciplinary team of policy, design, and communications staff working to serve, empower, and partner with NACTO’s 100 member cities and transit agencies.

“Adapting to the realities of climate change necessitates a major shift in thinking about our streets and about transportation networks,” Stefanie says. “While it’s energizing to finally see electric vehicles take off, that’s only one piece of a resilient future for transportation.

“Safer street design, safer vehicles, and mode shift to transit, biking, and walking are all places where NACTO cities have been leading. I’m excited about that. I’m also passionate about social justice and the opportunity for our members to begin repairing the past harms created and perpetuated by transportation systems.”

We’re excited to have Stefanie on our team!

Meet the rest of the NACTO staff >