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Laura Dierenfield

Ms. Dierenfield leads the Austin Transportation Department’s Active Transportation and Street Design Division with a focus on improving mobility for everyone in Austin by providing safer and more comfortable options for bicycling, walking and accessing mass transit.  She brings 18 years of experience in transportation planning, public policy and community-based non-profit organizational leadership. Her team […]

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Gavin Davidson

Gavin brings 18 years of experience as a professional planner focused on planning and design of active transportation projects within the context of multi-modal transportation systems.  Gavin is a Principal with Alta Planning + Design and manages their Canadian operations. A respected leader with a collaborative approach, Gavin has had a lead role in a […]

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Tim Gustafson

Tim Gustafson is a planner with more than a decade of experience in the planning and design of complete streets. His work includes projects with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, Regional Transportation Authority, departments of transportation in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Tim is a member of the American Planning Association and is […]

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Lee Jones

Lee Jones is Director of Business Development for BCycle LLC. Based at the offices of Trek Bicycle Corporation in Waterloo, Wisconsin, USA, Lee has led the company’s sales and marketing efforts since its establishment in 2008. BCycle today has established itself as a globally recognized developer and supplier of both station based and “smart” bike […]

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Alicia Zimmerman

Alicia Zimmerman has experience throughout the country in transportation planning, engineering, and construction implementation of projects ranging from downtown streetscapes to urban roadway reconfiguration.  Her recent efforts have focused on complete street, bicycle, and pedestrian projects ranging from a system level down to a detailed project level.  Recently, Alicia was the engineer in charge of […]

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