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Alex Engel

Alex leads NACTO’s communications and manages the annual Designing Cities Conference. You’ll also see him riding transit and trying out bike share in all the NACTO member cities.

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Justin Stuehrenberg

Justin leads the 5-year implementation of the $500 Million Marion County Transit Plan, the basis of a November 2016 referendum to increase transit service in Indianapolis by 70%.  This represents the largest infrastructure investment the City of Indianapolis has seen in generations.  Justin co-authored the plan itself, including leading all of the capital planning and […]

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Michael Carroll

As Deputy Managing Director for Philadelphia’s Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (oTIS), Michael A. Carroll, P.E. is a creative and nationally respected leader with more than 25 years of experience in transportation. In this role, Carroll leads oTIS staff in developing strategies and implementing policies to build a safe and equitable multi-modal systems across […]

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Tim Frisbie

Tim leads SUMC’s communications and policy efforts. He previously served as Senior Account Executive at KSA Public Relations/Public Affairs, where he worked on several transportation projects including helping to launch Getting America to Work, a national coalition advocating for increased federal transit funding. He also planned and executed strategic communications campaigns for clients such as […]

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