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Ryan Hashagen

Ryan Hashagen is a volunteer with Better Block PDX and a Professional Tricyclist based in Portland, OR.  Ryan is delighted to be a member of Better Block PDX team and enjoys working to connect, collaborate, and facilitate Tactical Urbanism projects with a wide range of organizations, businesses, and agencies. Professionally, Ryan has founded and run […]

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Sean is the Transit Planning Manager at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. He is responsible for implementing Muni Forward capital projects that improve service reliability, reduce transit travel times and enhance pedestrian safety, while also overseeing the day-to-day service planning functions for Muni. Sean and his team are in the process of implementing 36 […]

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Rubina Ghazarian is a Transportation Planning Associate II in the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation’s New Mobility Division. Her role includes implementing projects that enhance accessibility, increase travel options, and create livable communities. Most recently she planned and implemented the Downtown Los Angeles Bike Share Pilot Program, which launched in July. Before joining […]

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Sean has over ten years of pedestrian and bicycle planning, design, and implementation experience in New York and New Jersey.  Over the past nine years at NYC DOT he has worked on projects which redesigned city streets with an eye toward safety, mobility, and economic development.  In his current role he oversees a staff of […]

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Eric is the Senior Director of Transit Development at the New York City Department of Transportation. In that role he works to make public transportation in New York City work better through better street design and use of technology, and also serves as a key policy advisor on transit issues for the City.

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Tamika Butler

Tamika L. Butler is a national expert and speaker on issues related to the built environment, equity, anti-racism, diversity and inclusion, organizational behavior, and change management. From speaking, to writing, to training, Tamika has worked with a myriad of clients. As the Principal + Founder of Tamika L. Butler Consulting, she focuses on shining a […]

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David Kuperman

David Kuperman is the Program Manager of Transportation Planning in the Toronto Department of City Planning. He is a transportation planner with interests in all modes of transportation, and works together with the City’s transit agency on both localized and strategic initiatives to improve the performance of bus and streetcar routes, as well as on […]

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Dylan Passmore

Dylan Passmore is a Senior Transportation Design Engineer with the City of Vancouver’s Transportation Design Branch.  Over his career in the public and private sectors he has focused on pedestrian and bike infrastructure design, universal design, transportation master plans, policy research, urban design, and contemporary approaches to street design.  Currently, Dylan is leading a handful […]

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