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Randall “Keith” Benjamin, II

Keith Benjamin serves as the Director of the Department of Traffic and Transportation for the city of Charleston, South Carolina. In his position he oversees all transportation maintenance, planning and partnerships at the local, county and state level. He is also the city’s representative on the CARTA Transit Board, Charleston Aviation Authority and the Berkeley- […]

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Lawrence Marcus

Mr. Marcus has been developing best practices for curbside management since experiencing the challenges as Arlington County, Virginia’s Transportation Engineering and Operations Bureau Chief. He initiated the development of ITE’s Curbside Management Practitioners Guide and has collaborated with ITE and NACTO to improve curbside management methods. Mr. Marcus currently chairs the ITE Complete Streets Council […]

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Timur Ender

Timur began working on tactical urbanism projects in 2014 with Better Block PDX.  In 2015, he successfully infiltrated City Hall when he was appointed as transportation policy advisor to City Commissioner Steve Novick.  In 2017, Timur transitioned to the Portland Bureau of Transportation where he helps manage Better Naito, one of nation’s largest tactical urbanism […]

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Río Oxas

Río was born x raised in Echo Park and has Central American roots. Río is People for Mobility Justice’s Building Power Director. As a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) family we seed critical consciousness around Mobility Justice in all communities to ensure that everyone can move in public spaces with love and dignity. Since […]

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Perry Tarrant

Assistant Chief Perry Tarrant commands the Special Operations Bureau of the Seattle Police Department. Perry Tarrant has 34 years of law enforcement experience with the Tucson Police Department. He started his career working patrol, and also held assignments in canine, SWAT, bomb squad, aviation, and internal affairs. In 2014, Tarrant was appointed to coordinate the […]

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Gia Biagi

Gia Biagi is an urban planner and designer with experience in the private and public sectors who was appointed Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) by Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot in December 2019. The Mayor charged Biagi with implementing a vision for a transportation system that prioritizes equity and mobility and works to […]

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Kiera Smalls

Kiera makes sure everyone’s talking about Indego. You can find her at events promoting bike share or behind Indego’s social media accounts engaging with their awesome riders! Kiera also oversees 20 employees who make up Indego’s outreach and events team.  When she’s not promoting Indego, she’s leading bootcamps and run clubs throughout the city for […]

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Karla Sutliff

Karla Sutliff is current the Chief Engineer and Deputy Director for Project Delivery. She is responsible for all engineering aspects of the department’s construction projects statewide from their design through the completion of construction. She oversees the program of more than 9,000 employees and an annual budget of $1.8 billion. Ms. Sutliff has been with […]

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Ray Dovalina

Ray Dovalina is the Street Transportation Director for the City of Phoenix where he oversees five divisions with close to 700 employees, an annual department budget of over $70M, and a $500M five-year Capital Improvement Program. He brings 23 years of experience in transportation engineering and high level municipal management. Prior to this appointment he […]

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Danielle Abbott, Senior Program Manager for Commute Seattle, oversees the operations, staffing, and outcomes of initiatives aimed at reducing commute trips within Seattle. She manages programs that assist over 300 large and small companies in meeting regulatory, environmental and business objectives by supporting Commute Trip Reduction compliance and promotion of Employer ORCA Passport Transit Passes. […]

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