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Lilly O’Brien-Kovari

Lilly O’Brien is Deputy of Communications and External Affairs for the LA Vision Zero team. She manages the program’s legislative and media focused scope. O’Brien also just concluded project managing the LADOT Strategic Plan update, released in early October. O’Brien served in the Mayor’s Office since June 2014 as a program manager for the Great […]

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Nichole Altmix

Nichole Altmix is the New York City Department of Transportation’s Executive Director of Planning for the Pedestrian Ramp Program, a new unit dedicated to evaluating, planning, designing and constructing compliant pedestrian ramps citywide. Prior to building this new team, Nichole managed the activities of the teams responsible for safety improvement projects, strategic planning, traffic engineering, curb management […]

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Kyle Rowe

Kyle Rowe works as a Strategic Advisor in the Transit & Mobility division within the Seattle Department of Transportation. Kyle’s career at SDOT began with long-range modal planning and then transitioned into bikeway and complete street design. For the last year Kyle has managed SDOT’s bike share program; including managing and decommissioning the Pronto system, […]

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Juan A. Martinez

Juan Martinez is the Department of Transportation’s Director of Traffic Operations Policy and has led policy for several of the agency’s Vision Zero efforts, including the rollout of New York City’s speed camera program and expansion of pedestrian right of way within the crosswalk.  Previously, Juan was General Counsel & Legislative Director at Transportation Alternatives, the nation’s leading walking […]

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Benjamin T. Limmer

Benjamin Limmer, AICP, joined the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) as Assistant General Manager, Planning in 2016. In addition to his role as key advisor to the Authority’s GM/CEO on transit planning and development matters, Limmer’s responsibilities include coordinating all transit and service planning throughout the MARTA service area. He also manages MARTA’s strategic […]

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Faye Q. DiMassimo

Faye DiMassimo has 36 years of experience in transportation planning, project development and program delivery. She holds B.S., MPA and MCP degrees from Auburn University, is a member of Pi Sigma Alpha political science honorary and the American Institute for Certified Planners (AICP). Including her current position as the Renew Atlanta bond and TSPLOST programs […]

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Kyle Wagenschutz

Kyle Wagenschutz is the Director of Local Innovation at PeopleForBikes, a national non-profit working to get more people on bikes in the U.S. Kyle is leading a new three-year initiative called The Big Jump Project to expedite the planning and development of comfortable bicycling networks with a goal of doubling or tripling bicycle rates in […]

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Irene Quintáns

Irene Quintáns worked in the Barcelona City Council (2008-11), and in the SEHAB – Municipal Housing Secretariat in São Paulo (2011-13), specially focused on the Slum Upgrading Program awarded by the UN (Scroll of Honor 2012). While in the SEHAB, she created and developed a Safe Routes to School project, finalist in City to City Barcelona […]

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Prof. Janez Koželj

Janez Koželj was born 18.8.1945 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Having taught the Urban design at the Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana, he has been the protagonist of the contextual approach to town planning. Since 1995 his interest has been shifted to the strategic issues of the contemporary urban design. Focusing his research on the contemporary city, […]

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Becky Katz

Becky Katz is the City of Atlanta’s first Chief Bicycle Officer. In this role she works across city and state departments and with the public to make Atlanta safer, easier and better by bike. Her main initiatives include overseeing the Relay Bike share system, increasing the city’s bikeway mileage through the Renew Atlanta Infrastructure Bond/TSPLOST […]

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