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Katie Monroe

Title: Bikeshare Outreach Coordinator, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference

Katie Monroe is bikeshare outreach coordinator at the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. Katie graduated from Haverford College with a degree in Anthropology and a concentration in Gender and Sexuality Studies, focusing specifically on the role of gender in Philadelphia’s bicycle communities. She founded the Women Bike PHL program and loves nothing more than seeing someone experience all the joys of urban riding for the first time. Katie has previously worked with Gearing Up, and writes about bikes for and Philly Pedals. She can be found pedaling around Philadelphia on Helena, a hand-me-down bicycle that used to belong to her grandmother, or getting in a longer ride on Liška, her fancy new Fuji. A native of Harrisonburg, Virginia, she loves and misses the Shenandoah Valley a lot, and retains an unabashed appreciation for country music and the word “y’all.”