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Katie Miller

Title: President, Left Lane Advisors
NACTO Title: Supporting Facilitator, Designing Cities Conference
Katie Miller

Katie Miller is the President of Left Lane Advisors and a Principal at Fehr & Peers. An expert in the people-side of the A/E industry, Katie brings over 25 years of experience managing people at all levels with over a decade of coaching leaders in public agencies. She brings a background steeped in the behavioral sciences holding an undergraduate degree in Psychology and is currently pursuing a Masters in Counseling Psychology. These are complemented by her MBA and certifications in coaching from Coaches Training Institute and conflict resolution from Cornell University. She is an expert in communication, conflict management, building alignment, organizational behavior, and leadership development and is certified in multiple 360 and self-assessment tools including the Leadership Effectiveness Analysis (LEA) 360™, Individual Directions Inventory (IDI)™, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)®, Total Strengths Deployment Inventory (SDI)™, and Hogan Assessments™. She develops and facilitates training programs such as Leadership NACTO and workshops on topics such as Building Trust, Effective Communication, and Conflict Management. She actively sits on multiple professional organization advisory boards and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).