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NACTO Membership

The core of NACTO’s mission is to build a strong network of peers and foster open communication and collaboration between cities. NACTO provides its members valuable technical assistance, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and forums for sharing best practices. Through its annual Designing Cities conference, on-the-ground Cities for Cycling Road Shows, targeted street design workshops, and virtual design charrettes, NACTO offers its member cities opportunities to showcase new projects, receive feedback from their peers, explore common challenges, and learn from shared experiences.

NACTO offers its members valuable interaction with other cities on best practices, while providing a forum for a unified urban voice in U.S. transportation policy. Member benefits include:

  • Improved communications and dialogues between city staff working on a variety of transportation issues
  • A forum to learn best street design and transportation practices from around the US and for peer-to-peer exchange of innovative policies and ideas
  • Membership on review committees, including those for the Urban Street, Urban Bikeway, and Transit Street Design Guides
  • Some travel support for NACTO events and other project-related travel
  • Regular updates on NACTO projects and events
  • NACTO staff leadership at Design Guide-based trainings
  • Participation in NACTO’s standing policy committee on national transportation issues, which reviews NACTO’s federal transportation strategy and meets annually with the Secretary of Transportation in Washington, DC. (Open to Full Members only)

Full Membership is open to core cities with a population of 400,000 or higher in US metropolitan regions with 2 million or more residents. Membership is open to city transportation directors or transportation commissioners. Smaller US cities, as well as cities in Canada and Mexico, and transit agencies operating in a NACTO city, can join NACTO as Affiliate Members. Affiliate Members gain all the benefits of Full Members with the exception of participation on the policy committee.

Member Type

(Based on population)

2024-2025 Dues

Full Member
City over 400,000 and Metro Area over 2 million
International Full Member
City over 900,000 and Metro Area over 2 million
International Member (Large)
City 300,000 to 900,000
Affiliate Member (Large)
City over 300,000
Affiliate Member (Medium)
City 150,000 to 300,000
Affiliate Member (Small)
City under 150,000
Small City Peers $6,675
Transit Member (Large)
City  over 300,000
Transit Member (Medium)
City 150,000 to 300,000


The NACTO Board will be asked to approve applications for membership.

For further details, download the Membership Brochure, or email us at [email protected].

See the full list of NACTO members >