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NACTO Webinar – Making Transit Count

NACTO Webinar – Making Transit Count


Supporting transit in cities means telling a more complete story about streets.

So you want to dedicate a lane to transit. Dedicating a lane may reduce the street’s capacity for cars, but through another lens quadruples the capacity of that lane to move people, and can reduce wait time and delay for people riding transit. What we measure informs what choices we make, and traditional vehicle-centric metrics disguise opportunities to improve streets, and fail to capture the experiences of many street users. Cities that succeed at implementing transit street projects, do so because they are making a strong and resonant case for transit. Selecting the right performance measures—and capturing the right data—is critical to making the case and driving progress internally, and building public momentum and buy-in.

Join us as we premiere NACTO’s newest resource for cities and transit agencies: Making Transit Count. Developed with support from TransitCenter, this document provides guidance on selecting metrics, collecting data, and communicating change both internally and externally. Along with NACTO staff, hear from the Twin Cities’ Metro Transit on how they are using internal data dashboards to identify project opportunities and speed implementation, as well as Toronto, where powerful performance measures are helping the city understand and make a better case on the King Street Transit Pilot.

Since we were unable to respond to all questions during the Question & Answer portion of the webinar, please find a document with responses to all unanswered questions here.

This webinar is worth 1 AICP CM credit.