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Designing Ahead of the Curb: Advocacy-Led Street Designs in Eco-Village

The Los Angeles Eco-Village is a central hub of grassroots sustainable planning in Los Angeles that has defined community resilience in the face of drastic changes in housing costs and neighborhood transformation. Established in the wake of civil unrest in the early 90s, a small intentional community initially sought to transform the underlying conditions contributing to the disturbances and has since advanced programs like cohousing with a permanently affordable limited equity housing cooperative and a community land trust, permaculture practices, greywater technology, car-free living, and the city’s first self-help bicycle repair cooperative. This WalkShop will focus on a grassroots approach to street design, with a neighborhood shared street that features an intersection mural along with improvised streetscape furniture. Come to discuss how neighborhood street design can be led from the ground up.


Lois Arkin, Founder, CRSP Institute for Urban Ecovillages

Severin Martinez, Transportation Planning Associate II, Los Angeles DOT


Jimmy Lizama, Founder – The Bicycle Kitchen; Owner – Relampago Wheelery
Questa Gleason, Project Manager, CRSP Institute for Urban Ecovillages, L.A. Eco-Village