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Building LA’s Future in South Park

The WalkShop will take attendees through one of LA’s fastest growing neighborhoods to see examples of how neighborhood stakeholders are working to plan for a much denser and multi-modal future. WalkShop attendees will discover how the neighborhood has approached its mobility challenges, developed consensus, and secured funding for important priorities – ranging from small scale streetscape improvements to transformative capital improvements. Attendees will also hear from business owners and residents who have embraced the multi-modal changes in the neighborhood. Specific stops will include Figueroa St., Pico Light Rail Station, 11 th St., Hope St., Grand Ave and Pico Blvd.


Josh Kreger, South Park Business Improvement District

Ellen Riotto, South Park Business Improvement District


Shelby Russell, Sr Vice President, L.A. LIVE Marketing and L.A. LIVE Cinemas
Ignacio Guerra, Vice President- Parking Operations, Staples Center & LA LIVE
Doane Liu, Executive Director, City of Los Angeles Department of Convention and Tourism Development
Kevin Lindquist, Chief Operating Officer, Mack Real Estate Development
Andrew Dutton, Associate Development Manager, Mack Real Estate Development
Greg Schumann, Managing Partner, Prankbar LLC