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A Thriving Community Alongside the Nation’s Busiest Seaport

On this WalkShop, see San Pedro – home of ten nation’s busiest seaport, as well as a dramatically transforming waterfront and downtown. Beginning on Metro Bike Share at the Port’s Fanfare Foundations, we’ll ride along a scenic promenade, and tour the downtown district where road diets and angled parking have transformed downtown streets. We’ll then continue to bike along recently-constructed roadway realignment and see exciting new development, until reaching the downtown harbor, where we’ll board a boat for a tour of the Port of Los Angeles. Experience the nation’s busiest port, and a thriving community – side by side.


Sue Lai, Senior Transportation Engineer, Port of Los Angeles


Augie Bezmalinovich, Port of Los Angeles Community Affairs AdvocatE
Crystal Killian, LADOT Transportation Engineer
Elise Swanson, San Pedro Chamber of Commerce