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Midtown in Motion and NYC DOT Traffic Management Center

Midtown in Motion and NYC DOT Traffic Management Center

Midtown in Motion, NYC DOT’s award-winning congestion management system, has improved travel times on the avenues in Midtown by 10% since implementation in July 2011. Using microwave sensors, traffic video cameras, and E-Z Pass readers, traffic engineers at the Traffic Management Center (TMC) can quickly identify congestion issues and respond remotely using Advanced Solid State Traffic Controllers to unplug bottlenecks and smooth the flow of traffic. NYC DOT traffic engineers will lead a tour of the TMC and discuss congestion mitigation strategies for both Midtown in Motion and the city as a whole.

Led by:

John Tipaldo, New York City Department of Transportation

Rachid Roumila, New York City Department of Transportation

Mohamad Talas, New York City Department of Transportation
