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New York, NY, April 3, 2014 The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) officially endorsed the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide, a concrete vision for safe, livable streets. Further bolstering the agency’s commitment to sustainable transportation, the endorsement cements MassDOT as a leader in creating pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-friendly streets. “Our goal is to foster transportation decisions that balance […]

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March 24, 2014 Hardcover Urban Bikeway Design Guide now available The Urban Bikeway Design Guide, a toolkit for designing streets that are safe for bicyclists, is now available as a newly formatted hardcover book. The Guide, which was formerly only available in a binder format, has emerged as a go-to template for planners and engineers in cities across the […]

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Washington, DC, January 15, 2014 NACTO President Ed Reiskin announced that Rina Cutler, Philadelphia Deputy Mayor of Transportation and Utilities, has been elected Vice President of NACTO. City of Charlotte Transportation Director Danny Pleasant will serve as NACTO Treasurer, and Robin Hutcheson, Salt Lake City Transportation Director, will fill a newly created position on NACTO’s […]

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New York, NY, December 31, 2013 On the eve of 2014, New York City Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel both announced their respective appointments for transportation commissioner. Polly Trottenberg, current Under Secretary for Policy at the U.S. Department of Transportation,  will assume the post of NYC Transportation Commissioner beginning in January. […]

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New York, NY, December 31, 2013 The Federal Highway Administration has announced that bicycle signals, one of the most significant elements of the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide and a crucial aspect of cycle track design and engineering, has been granted interim approval. The memorandum, dated December 24, 2013, represents a significant step forward for world-class […]

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New York, NY, December 18, 2013 Less than two months after National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) President and NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik‐Khan kicked off a nationwide endorsement campaign for the Urban Street Design Guide, Washington State DOT and a group of 23 cities have led the charge with strong […]

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The December 2013 issue of ITE Journal featured an article investigating the myriad factors that govern the DNA of city streets, looking at conventional design practices and parameters through the lens of the National Association of City Transportation Officials’ (NACTO) recently released Urban Street Design Guide, a blueprint for world-class street design. The product of an unprecedented collaboration between city engineers, planners, and designers […]

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Phoenix, Ariz., October 29, 2013 Kicking off the final day of the Designing Cities conference in Phoenix, NACTO President and NYC Department of Transportation (DOT) Commissioner Janette Sadik‐Khan invited city transportation leaders across the country to join her in endorsing the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide as a leading resource for designing safe and economically vibrant streets. “Transportation directors today are managing unprecedented […]

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