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Black History Month 2021: Reflecting on the past and looking forward

This Black History Month, we’re reflecting on 2020: the ways it broadcast the harm of past and present policies, challenged our industry, and showed us how to work towards a future where we prioritize access to opportunity and mobility for those with the greatest need. Last year, people took to streets to protest centuries of […]

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Robin Hutcheson Steps Down as NACTO President to Join Biden Administration

Vice President Eulois Cleckley Appointed as Interim President Today, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced the resignation of Robin Hutcheson, former Director of the Minneapolis Department of Public Works, from NACTO’s board of directors. Hutcheson left her position as President of the Board in order to join the Biden-Harris Administration as Deputy […]

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NACTO Congratulates Polly Trottenberg

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director, and Janette Sadik-Khan, Chair, of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), today issued the following statement on the nomination of Polly Trottenberg as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation.  Polly Trottenberg is an inspired choice for U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation. From managing the world’s most complex urban transportation network […]

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NACTO Statement on the Relief Package: A Reprieve for Transit, Yet a Long Road Ahead for Cities

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), today issued the following statement in response to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, Congress’ newly passed economic relief package.  In the face of immense need, Congress finally passed a bill that provides $14 billion in sorely-needed relief for transit agencies. These funds will […]

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NACTO Congratulates Pete Buttigieg 

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director, and Janette Sadik-Khan, Chair, of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), today issued the following statement on the nomination of Mayor Pete Buttigieg as U.S. Secretary of Transportation: On behalf of 80 city transportation departments and transit agencies across the U.S., NACTO congratulates Mayor Pete Buttigieg on his nomination […]

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Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery Grants: Direct Aid to Cities Working Directly with Communities

Over 2020, as the demand for rapid response projects grew and city budgets shrank, NACTO launched a competitive grant opportunity to ten cities working to put the Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery principles into action. We sought applications from city transportation agencies that, in partnership with community-based organizations, were reimagining streets, implementing ideas, and […]

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Priorities For a New Administration

In the United States, 80% of people live in cities and urbanized areas. Today, America’s cities and the people who live in them are struggling, and are facing the intertwined crises of a global pandemic, systemic racism, and accelerating climate change. Across the country, city governments are laying off or furloughing staff, further limiting the […]

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NACTO Congratulates President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director, and Janette Sadik-Khan, Chair, of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), today issued the following statement: NACTO congratulates President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris and looks forward to working with the Biden-Harris administration on transportation policy that supports safe mobility, economic opportunity, racial justice, and respect for […]

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Playing Politics with Safety: “Anarchist” Transit Agencies Caught in the Crossfire

In blocking New York City, Portland, and Seattle from receiving Federal Transit Administration research grants, the Trump Administration is using arbitrary and politically-motivated pretext to deny cities and transit agencies the funding they need to make transit safer amidst the ongoing pandemic. NACTO: Alex Engel | [email protected] TransitCenter: David Bragdon | [email protected] Transportation for America: […]

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136 Million Trips Taken on Shared Bikes and Scooters Across the U.S. in 2019

What started in 2010 as a nascent concept, untested in North American cities, closed out the decade as a fast-growing and increasingly indispensable part of city transportation systems. Stretching from docked bike share systems to dockless bike and scooters, the field of shared micromobility has expanded and evolved over the past 10 years.  Today, NACTO […]

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