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Gabe Klein joins NACTO’s Strategic Advisory Board

May 07, 2014

New York, NY, May 7, 2014

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced today that Gabe Klein is joining its strategic advisory board. This board is comprised of distinguished thought leaders with expertise in city transportation, urban design, and public policy, and it provides strategic counsel as NACTO continues to advance a new paradigm for city street design and urban transportation policy.

By unanimous vote, NACTO’s Board of Directors appointed Gabe Klein to the Strategic Advisory Board. “Gabe brings unparalleled experience to NACTO,” commented Janette Sadik-Khan, who chairs the Strategic Advisory Board. “He joins Bruce Katz in bringing an innovative perspective to NACTO’s mission.”

“I’m delighted and honored that Gabe is committing his support and expertise to NACTO’s Strategic Advisory Board,” said Ed Reiskin, NACTO President and Director of Transportation for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. “This is great news for NACTO and for the field of city transportation.”

“I’d like to personally thank Gabe for his pioneering work and his commitment to NACTO,” said Linda Bailey, NACTO Executive Director. “We’re looking forward to working with him and benefiting from his experience and counsel.”

Gabe Klein, former NACTO Treasurer, carries a wealth of public and private sector experience in forward-thinking urban transportation. Following 12 years as an entrepreneur in transportation technology and shared mobility, Klein served as Director of the District of Columbia Department of Transportation and Commissioner of the Chicago Department of Transportation. During his years in the public sector, Klein championed a people-oriented approach to city transportation, prioritizing pedestrian initiatives, bike infrastructure, and public transit. He launched widely-successful bike sharing systems, Capital Bikeshare and Divvy, implemented high-profile streetscape redesigns, advanced DC’s H Street streetcar line and Chicago’s bus rapid transit projects, and institutionalized complete street policies.

“As a former NACTO member, I have been thoroughly impressed with the organization’s ability to advance the positive changes cities are making through people-oriented transportation policies,” said Klein. “I’m excited to continue to help promote an approach to urban transportation that celebrates public space and livable street design by serving on NACTO’s Strategic Advisory Board.”



NACTO is an association of 32 US cities formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues. Members include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington, DC. Affiliate members of NACTO include Arlington (VA), Austin, Boulder, Burlington (VT), Cambridge, Fort Lauderdale, Hoboken, Indianapolis, Louisville, Memphis, Oakland, Salt Lake City, Somerville (MA), and Ventura (CA).