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Urban Bikeway Design Guide named one of Planetizen’s Top 10 Books of 2013

Dec 11, 2012

December 11, 2012

The NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide, which released its second edition in October 2012, has been named one of Planetizen’s top 10 books for 2013.

The review from Planetizen reads:

NACTO’s Urban Bikeway Design Guide provides municipalities with an impressive and comprehensive toolkit for designing safer streets that accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers. Utilizing detailed diagrams and clear guidance, the Guide covers treatments including bike lanes, cycle tracks, intersections, signals, signing and marking, and (new to this Second Edition) bicycle boulevards. Colorful and easy to use, for each treatment the book offers three levels of guidance: required features, recommended features, and optional features. It illustrates these features using real-world case studies from the “best cycling cities in the world.” The standardized set of guidelines is based on extensive research by urban bikeway planning professionals, traffic engineers, planners, and academics “with deep experience in urban bikeway applications” and compiled for American cities that may not have had “the resources to develop ideas and try out street designs that they have seen elsewhere.” However, bike enthusiasts too can learn about these state-of-the-practice solutions and will surely enjoy the interactive format of the guide. As Planetizen blogger Mike Lydon pointed out in a post comparing NACTO’s document to a competing one from AASHTO, the Urban Bikeway Design Guide also benefits from a fully hyperlinked web portal and a more accessible price point.

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