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Tony Garcia

Title: Principal, Street Plans Collaborative
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Tony Garcia

Tony Garcia is a Principal of Street Plans Collaborative, and leads the firm’s Miami office. Anthony is a nationally recognized architect, writer, speaker and advocate in the in the field of transit, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure

As a writer and advocate, Tony’s work has appeared in or been featured by numerous publications. Tony is a coauthor of the globally acclaimed series Tactical Urbanism: Short-Term Action, Long-Term Change Vol. 2, and together with Mike Lydon is the recipient of the 2017 Seaside Prize and co-author of Tactical Urbanism, published by Island Press in March 2015. He is the former Chairman of the Green Mobility Network, the largest bicycle pedestrian advocacy organization in South Florida, and co-founded the Ludlam Trail project, which will result in the addition of over 50 acres of new park space in Miami-Dade County. From 2008 to 2012 he was the Publisher and Managing editor of the transportation advocacy blog, an award winning web journal dedicated to public participation and discourse in South Florida. Tony holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Urban Design from New York University and a Masters in Architecture from the University of Miami.