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Mary E. Peters was nominated by President George W. Bush on September 5, 2006, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the 15th Secretary of Transportation on September 30, 2006, after spending more than two decades crafting solutions to our nation’s toughest transportation challenges. Secretary Peters brings a unique perspective to her role as the […]

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Jeffrey L. Rosenblum, is a transportation planner and street design engineer for the City of Cambridge (Massachusetts). He is project manager for several corridor redesign projects including which includes a separated bicycle facility and traffic calming measures, and represents Cambridge’s mode-shift interests in the many MassDOT bridge redesign projects currently underway. Jeff co-founded Boston […]

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Jon Orcutt

Jon Orcutt has nearly 30 years experience advocating and implementing sustainable transportation in cities.  Before joining TransitCenter in January 2016, he was a consultant working with governments, organizations and companies on urban transportation strategies, traffic safety, bike share systems and bicycle transportation improvements. Jon was Director of Policy at the NYC Dept. of Transportation from […]

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Tom Vanderbilt is a Brooklyn, NY-based writer whose work has appeared in Wired, the New York Times Magazine, the Wilson Quarterly, Smithsonian, the Financial Times, and many other publications.  He is author the NY Times bestselling book ‘Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us),’ published in more than […]

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Robert Paley is Director of Transit-Oriented Development at the Metropolitan Transportation Authority where he oversees development of MTA properties and works with regional and local entities to promote TOD and better coordination between local land use policies and transit.  Prior to joining MTA, Mr. Paley developed residential buildings near transit for several private real estate […]

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Nathan (Nate) Conable is the Director of Transit and Transportation for Atlanta BeltLine, Inc., the organization planning and executing the implementation of the Atlanta BeltLine, one of the largest, most wide-ranging urban redevelopment projects currently underway in the United States. The Atlanta BeltLine is a multibillion dollar project that will shape the way Atlanta grows […]

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