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Terra Ishee

Terra Ishee has been engaged in improving the pedestrian realm in New York City since 2001.  She joined the New York City Department of Transportation in 2007, and is currently the Director of the Pedestrian Projects Group. Ms. Ishee oversees a multi-disciplinary team that designs and implements up to 40 street improvement projects a year, […]

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Christof Spieler

Christof Spieler, PE, LEED AP is Vice President and Director of Planning at Huitt-Zollars, where he does land use, transportation, and open space planning across the United States, and a Senior Lecturer at Rice University. As a board member of Houston METRO from 2010 to 2018, he initiated a blank sheet re-design of the entire […]

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Britt Tanner is a Senior Engineer at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), where she had worked on projects that use traffic engineering to improve Muni service for over 15 years.  She currently leads SFMTA’s Transit Engineering group, a team of a dozen engineers and planners developing traffic engineering projects to reduce Muni delays […]

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Hannah McIntosh

Hannah’s career spans public and non-profit leadership roles. Until 2016, Hannah led various aspects of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s work to serve the most rapidly-growing city in the United States, including roles as Deputy Program Manager for Waterfront Seattle and as Chief of Staff. After a working sabbatical spearheading a series of economic development […]

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Barbara Gray

Barbara Gray’s commitment to innovation drives her work as General Manager of Transportation Services in the City of Toronto. As Deputy Director of the Transportation Department in Seattle she led the development of the first city-wide Pedestrian Master Plan and Complete Streets policy and oversaw daily operations for policy, planning, and right of way management. […]

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