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Martijn Van de Leur

Martijn is Mobycon’s team leader for the Cycling & Behavior department and works within the fields of cycling, road safety and mobility management. Martijn studied urban planning, marketing and business management, which gives him a unique perspective for examining human behaviour as it relates to mobility. Mobycon is a participant in the Dutch Cycling Embassy. Dutch […]

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Bart Sbeghen

Bart Sbeghen is the Bike Futures Manager at Bicycle Network – a Australian health promotion charity who wants to make riding part of the everyday. He has been working on helping to get more people riding for more than 15 years. Bart started out as a bicycle “campaigner” initially. His focus is now on developing collaborative tools and […]

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Alexander Ståhle

Alexander Ståhle is a researcher in urban design and one of Sweden´s most popular lecturers on city futures. He is CEO of the urban research and design studio Spacescape in Stockholm and has a PhD in urban design from the KTH School of Architecture. In his research he has developed tools for urban analysis of […]

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