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Hank was born and raised in Atlanta, and moved to San Francisco nearly 13 years ago.  Hank spent six years as a civil rights attorney before following his true passion to transportation planning.  Hank worked for four years on the SFpark program in San Francisco, focusing on making San Francisco the first city to install […]

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Dave Benson

Dave Benson was appointed as the Parking Services Group Manager in August of 2015. In this role, he oversees the Parking Enforcement, Parking Operations and Regulatory Divisions. Prior to joining PBOT, Dave worked at the Portland Police Bureau for over three decades.  During his career, he served in a variety of leadership roles. Most notably, […]

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Michael Replogle

Michael Replogle was appointed Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the New York City Department of Transportation in June 2015, where he develops strategy and advises the Commissioner and City on transportation issues. He managed development of an agency-wide strategic plan and the transportation element of the City’s greenhouse gas mitigation plan and helps manage various […]

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Laura Bisesto

Laura Bisesto is a Public Policy Manager on Lyft’s Government Relations team.  Laura oversees political and policy strategy in the Pacific Northwest, Arizona, and California by advocating for Lyft’s interests with legislators and regulators on state and local bills relating to ridesharing. Prior to joining Lyft’s Government Relations team in 2015, Laura spent five years […]

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Nat Gale

Nat Gale works for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation in a lead capacity on outreach and programs that touch the everyday lives of Angelenos, such as the department’s award-winning People St program. His current focus is the city’s Vision Zero Initiative, where he works with a multi-disciplinary team to develop projects and partnerships that […]

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Kris Carter

Kris Carter, Co-Chair of the Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics in Boston, is a non-practicing engineer, an optimistic urban planner, and a self-taught filmmaker. Kris oversees the entire team, as well as Boston’s Autonomous Vehicle testing program, new mobility initiatives, and a portfolio of work to make our streets and sidewalks more delightful. New […]

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Evan Corey

Evan Corey serves as Seattle Department of Transportation’s New Mobility program manager, bringing experience in emerging transportation technology policy, shared mobility planning, shared mobility-transit integration, transit-orientation strategies, TDM, and Complete Streets design and policy. Evan provides a unique and holistic perspective to new mobility and its relationship to mobility, access, and right-of-way allocation. Prior to […]

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Shin-pei Tsay

Shin-pei Tsay is the Executive Director of Gehl institute, whose mission is to transform the way cities are shaped by making public life an intentional driver for design, policy, and governance. Previously, Shin-pei served as deputy executive director at TransitCenter and contributed to its establishment as a philanthropy. She founded and directed the Cities and […]

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Bridget Smith

Bridget Smith, P.E. came to the City of Los Angeles in July of 2015 from the cities of San Francisco and Sacramento and consulting, where she had over 25 years of experience in transportation planning and engineering, organizational management, and public finance. Bridget began her career designing traffic signals and major roadways before moving to […]

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