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Ludo Campbell-Reid

Ludo Campbell-Reid is Auckland Council’s Design Champion and General Manager of the Auckland Design Office, a department of multi-disciplinary design and place activation professionals charged with spearheading Auckland’s design-led renaissance. As Design Champion, Ludo is accountable for achieving design excellence in council’s plans, policies and projects; working directly alongside the Mayor and city officials, the […]

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Miriam Sorell

Miriam Sorell is a manager in the Livable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, where she has been working on bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects for 6 years and currently leads a team of planners, engineers, and project managers. Her team’s projects range from neighborhood traffic calming implementation to evaluating innovative bicycle […]

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Tracy Krawczyk

Tracy is a planner with over 30 years of experience in urban and transportation planning, both in the private and public sectors.  She is currently the Policy & Planning Director for the Seattle Department of Transportation.  Her areas of professional practice center on transportation planning, urban design, and capital programming with a focus on aligning […]

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Kate Johnson has worked in in a variety of transportation planning roles. Following stints in capital programming, grant acquisition and transit planning, for the past ten years she has been serving as a transportation planner administering commute trip reduction and transportation demand management programs for the City of Bellevue.

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Alex Krieg

Alex Krieg is a senior planner at the Puget Sound Regional Council. He leads PSRC’s transportation demand management work, which includes staffing the Regional TDM Steering Committee. He also works on a variety of long-range transportation planning activities including transit integration, transit access, and regional parking policy. Alex has a Master’s Degree in Urban and […]

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Amy Scarton

Amy Scarton is the Assistant Secretary for Community and Economic Development at the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Amy oversees the majority of WSDOT’s modal divisions, including Public Transportation, Freight, Aviation, Rail, Local Programs, and Multimodal Planning. Amy represents WSDOT on a variety of boards and commissions, including the Transportation Investment Board, the Puget […]

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Sarah Jones

Sarah Jones has been the Planning Director at the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency since 2016, and oversees a wide range of programs and projects intended to implement San Francisco’s Transit First policy by enhancing the degree to which the transportation system supports an equitable and economically viable city.  SFMTA Planning looks at transportation today […]

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Roger Millar

Roger Millar was appointed the Secretary of the Washington State Department of Transportation by Governor Jay Inslee in August 2016. Millar oversees an agency of 6,800 employees, with responsibility for 18,600 lane miles of highway, 3,700 bridges, general aviation airports, passenger and freight rail programs, and the Washington State Ferry system, the nation’s largest. Millar […]

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