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Erin Hafkenschiel

Erin Hafkenschiel is the Executive Director for Mobility for Vanderbilt University. In this role, she is responsible for launching the university’s first-ever strategic transportation office which will lead mobility planning and policy development for the school and the creation of a comprehensive transportation-demand management program.  Erin served as the Director of the Mayor’s Office of […]

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Meghan Shepard

Meghan Shepard is the Deputy Director of Downtown Mobility for the Seattle Department of Transportation, where she is focused on moving people and goods throughout the “Seattle Squeeze” when Seattle’s downtown is in a state of significant transportation transformation. Since she started with SDOT in 2002, she’s partnered with transportation agencies to improve transit and […]

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Susanne Seitinger

Susanne Seitinger, Global Sub-segment Manager for Open Spaces in Professional Systems at Philips Lighting is responsible for leading the strategy around the impact of programmable LED lighting elements to create safe, inviting and responsive urban environments. Her combined background in architecture, urban planning and human-computer interaction is comprised of research and design projects like the […]

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Tobi Nussbaum

Tobi Nussbaum is a Councillor in the City of Ottawa representing an economically diverse ward just east of the downtown core. First elected in 2014, he moved to municipal politics after 15 years professional experience as a Canadian diplomat, lawyer and senior public servant with the Government of Canada. He has worked at the United […]

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Brian Dougherty

Brian Dougherty manages the Pedestrian and Neighborhood Projects Group in the Project Development Division for the Seattle Department of Transportation. He has 16 years’ experience working on active transportation in Seattle, leading high-profile projects including Safe Routes to School, Neighborhood Greenways, sidewalks, trails, and traffic calming. He has presented at on topics including Rightsizing, traffic […]

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Stephanie Wiggins

Stephanie Wiggins, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), most recently served as Executive Director of Vendor/Contract Management for Metro. She has more than 20 years of experience working for transportation agencies. Prior to Metro, she served as Regional Programs Director for the Riverside County Transportation Commission and oversaw […]

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Rodney Stiles

Rodney is the Assistant Commissioner for Data & Technology at the Taxi & Limousine Commission, the City agency responsible for licensing and regulating taxis and other for-hire services in New York City. His team researches impacts of policies through big data analysis, liaises with technology companies who want to work in the for-hire space, and […]

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Amanda Eaken

As an advocate for sustainable urban planning, Eaken focuses on slashing transportation-related pollution. She played a key role in the formulation and implementation of California’s 2008 Sustainable Communities Act, which gives regions funding and incentives to develop emission-reducing strategies. Before joining NRDC, Eaken managed affordable-housing construction for a nonprofit developer in San Francisco. She holds […]

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Leah Shahum

Leah Shahum is the founder and director of the Vision Zero Network, a national campaign supporting cities working toward Vision Zero — zero traffic fatalities and severe injuries.

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Kevin Desmond

Kevin is an experienced executive with a career built in the public transportation industry. Prior to joining TransLink, Kevin was General Manager of King County Metro Transit serving the Seattle metropolitan region. At Metro, he oversaw a mix of transit modes, including buses, trains, vanpools, paratransit vans, as well as approximately 5,000 employees. In his […]

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