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Jason Neches is the founder and principal of WATT Lighting and a new resident of Seattle.  A lighting designer with experience on a variety of award-winning public and private projects, Jason (before relocating to Seattle from New York City) was the Director of L’Observatoire International as well as a professor within the Parsons School of […]

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Shefali Ranganathan

Shefali Ranganathan is the Executive Director at Transportation Choices Coalition (TCC), a Washington State based non-profit working to create more opportunities to take transit, walk or bike. TCC has led successful campaigns all across the state securing more than $25B for transit, biking and walking including the $930M Move Seattle transportation levy in 2015. Shefali […]

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John Gordon
Mary Catherine Snyder

Mary Catherine Snyder is a Parking Strategist for the City of Seattle Department of Transportation and lead for the Policy group in SDOT’s Curbside Management Team. Over the last twenty plus years at the city, Mary Catherine has worked on a variety of policy, program, and technology projects related to managing curbspace in the public […]

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David Woessner

David C. Woessner is an expert in topics of globalization, localization and emerging technologies and has written articles and whitepapers on mobility, connectivity and automotive technology hubs. He has over 15 years of executive leadership, strategy, business development, sales and relationship management experience. He has worked with Fortune 500 companies, startups, private equity, venture capitalist, […]

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Phyllis Porter

Phyllis is an accomplished and energetic leader dedicated to advancing community relations with City Government. She has a track record of achieving exceptional results in fostering relationships with policy leaders including City councilmembers on multiple projects in SE Seattle.  As an educator and community activist, Phyllis is a seasoned advocate on transportation, ambassador for communities […]

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