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Julia Salinas

Julia Salinas is a Transportation Planning Manager at the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. Metro holds a role unique to agencies like it in the United States. It finances, plans, builds, and operates all modes of surface transportation in a county of almost 10 million people. Julia is a native of Los Angeles but […]

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Alison Cohen

Alison Cohen, President and CEO of Bicycle Transit Systems, has arguably the broadest and deepest background in bike share in the US and globally. Since 2007, she has had deep experience in this evolving business, from hands-on operation and implementation of seven bike share systems to contracting, business modeling, sponsorship acquisition, planning and feasibility assessments and […]

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Theresa Dau-Ngo, AICP

Theresa has over 20 years of experience in transportation and environmental planning, traffic management, and implementation of major infrastructure projects. She currently serves as Transportation Development Manager at the Port of Long Beach, which is one of the world’s busiest seaports and a major gateway for trade between the United States and Asia. Her responsibilities […]

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Paul Van Dyk

Paul Van Dyk is a Traffic Engineering Associate at Long Beach Public Works. He has managed the city’s bicycle counting program, collision analysis, and helped develop the city’s Bicycle Master Plan. Paul has designed nearly twenty miles of bikeways during his 6 years with the city; since those designs began construction, citywide bicycle collisions have […]

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Tony Cruz

Tony Cruz is a former professional cyclist and U.S. Olympian. He has served as the Bicycle Ambassador for the City of Long Beach since 2009, helping to encourage and promote safe biking throughout the community. He has hosted multiple youth bike camps and school bicycle rodeos. Since the spring of 2017, Tony has worked full […]

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Michael Johnston

Michael Johnston is an Administrative Analyst in the Department of Public Works, overseeing a variety of Tidelands and livability projects. He is a graduate of the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California with a Masters of Public Administration. Born and raised in San Diego, Michael established his roots in […]

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Katie Miller

Katie Miller is the President of Left Lane Advisors and a Principal at Fehr & Peers. An expert in the people-side of the A/E industry, Katie brings over 25 years of experience managing people at all levels with over a decade of coaching leaders in public agencies. She brings a background steeped in the behavioral […]

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Jonah Chiarenza

Jonah Chiarenza is a Transportation Planner at the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Jonah works in both the Program Development & Capacity Building and the Transportation Planning Divisions. In this role, Jonah works with a range of Federal agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Forest Service, National Parks Service, […]

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Celine Schmidt

Celine Schmidt is NACTO’s Visual Communications Manager, where she produces and coordinates NACTO’s visual communications, ensuring that they are effective, accessible, and engaging for all audiences. She is committed to improving visual education and storytelling strategy for nonprofits, and has previously worked in both creative and program roles with the Participatory Budgeting Project, WaterAid America, […]

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Margo Dawes

Margo Dawes works at the Seattle Department of Transportation as a strategic advisor on new mobility, data, and equity. Her work includes advancing strong racial equity framing and engagement strategies for the new mobility program, leading data management for the city’s free-floating bike share program, and collaborating with regional transit agencies and other stakeholders on […]

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