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Jake Levitas is an organizer and designer focused on improving cities using design, art, and technology. He most recently served as an Innovation Fellow in the San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation, where he helped pioneer several participatory urban design initiatives, including Living Innovation Zones and the Market Street Prototyping Festival, to which he […]

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Lon LaClaire manages Vancouver’s Strategic Transportation Planning Branch, providing leadership and direction for eighteen transportation engineering and planning staff working on some of Vancouver’s largest transportation projects. Lon has an unusual mix of creative and technical skills. Using his high-school scholarship, he started his education in Fine Arts in College before switching to Engineering. After […]

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Scott Kubly

Scott Kubly has been Director of the Seattle Department of Transportation since July 2014. Before joining SDOT, he served as Deputy Director of the Chicago Department of Transportation, where he led the development of a financial plan for Chicago’s Riverwalk, construction of 65 miles of protected bike lanes, and the launch of a new bike share system. Prior to that role, he served as the Associate Director for the District Department of Transportation in Washington, DC, where he led the development of a new streetcar system and major expansion of bike share in Washington, DC. In these roles, Scott also managed agency operations, resource management, finance and development of major capital projects, as well as traffic management and signal operations.

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Gabe Klein

Gabe Klein is the former DOT director under Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration in Chicago and former Director of the District DOT under Mayor Adrian M. Fenty. In Washington he launched Capital Bikeshare, the first large-scale bikeshare system in the US, and in Chicago he later launched Divvy, which is now the largest bikeshare system in the US.

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Andy Kosinski, PE, Senior Engineer/Planner with Fehr & Peers, has over five years of experience in transportation planning and engineering. He has worked on a wide variety of multimodal and transit projects in both California and the Chicago area and has amassed project management experience on a number of transportation studies in the Bay Area. […]

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Joseph Kopser is the CEO and co-founder of RideScout, an Austin start-up in the transportation industry. He is also Co-Chairman of the Defense Energy Summit (Austin, Texas 11-13th Nov 2013). Prior to RideScout, Joseph spent 20 years as Army officer after graduating from West Point as an Aerospace Engineer in 1993. Before, moving to Austin, […]

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On July 1, 2013, Brian P. Kelly was sworn in as the first secretary of the new California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA), which has replaced the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency (BT&H) with a new agency focused solely on transportation. Kelly had previously been running BT&H since March 2012 when Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. […]

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Alicia John-Baptiste serves as the Chief of Staff of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. Ms. John-Baptiste is an experienced public administrator with 15 years of service with the City & County of San Francisco. She has held positions of increasing responsibility in local government managing finance, information technology, human resources, strategic planning, and policy […]

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As the Chief Executive Officer of City CarShare, a Bay Area nonprofit, Rick Hutchinson brings over thirty years of leadership experience to the sustainable transportation marketplace. Emphasizing the development of market-directed and purpose-based organizations, he has led three companies and consulted in a range of industries and specialties. Currently, Rick is responsible for all aspects […]

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Hannah Higgins is a Project Manager at site design group, ltd. assigned to the Chicago Department of Transportation’s Streetscape and Sustainable Design Program. Her duties include overseeing streetscape and public plaza projects from the start of the design process through construction, and coordinating CDOT’s annual landscape maintenance seminar.She’s a registered landscape architect with experience working […]

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