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Justin Feek

Title: Principal Transportation Planner, City of Phoenix, Arizona
NACTO Title: Speaker, Designing Cities Conference
Justin Feek

Justin Feek is a Principal Planner in the Street Transportation Department for the City of Phoenix, Arizona.  His educational background includes a degree in Regional Development from the University of Arizona that compliments private sector work experience in environmental consulting in California, community, land use, and transportation planning for the County of Santa Barbara, California, and Arizona Department of Transportation multimodal transportation program management, and state highway programming experience.  Primary personal interests include the complex and ever- evolving relationships between the environment, demographics, economics, land use, and transportation systems.  At the City of Phoenix, Justin has managed several bicycle and pedestrian corridor studies including public involvement, leading to programming of bicycle and pedestrian improvements initially identified in the City Bicycle Master Plan adopted by City Council in 2014.  He is also a key staff person scoping and programming projects associated with the Citywide Transportation 2050 Sales Tax initiative approved by voters to improve the Phoenix Transportation System over the next 35 years, in addition to coordinating the Phoenix Street Department Capital Improvement Program.  In his free time, Justin enjoys adventure travel, gym time, running, biking, and hiking.