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The ’Notorious’ MUTCD – Why Fixing a Federal Manual is Critical to Safety, Equity and Climate

The ’Notorious’ MUTCD – Why Fixing a Federal Manual is Critical to Safety, Equity and Climate

The Notorious MUTCD, Hosted by America Walks

USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg is facing an early test of his commitment to reform – will he call for reframing and rewriting a federal manual that governs local streets? The Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices – which dictates the design of every street in the U.S., from crosswalks to speed limits, bike lanes, and more – is up for revision. But the proposed draft continues to prioritize moving cars fast over safety, equity, and climate. Hear from our panel of experts on why the MUTCD matters, what’s wrong with it, what needs to be done next, and how you can help make a difference.

Learn about our MUTCD campaign >>