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NACTO Camp: Designing for Urban Wildlife: Intersections of Conservation and Planning

NACTO Camp: Designing for Urban Wildlife: Intersections of Conservation and Planning
  • Connect with other urban planning professionals passionate about conservation and biodiversity
  • Brainstorm ways to incorporate conservation work into our jobs as transportation planners and designers
  • Co-create and envision a future where all built environment projects create safe habitat for both humans and animals
  • Consider the role of environmental justice in transportation planning — how can we acknowledge past environmental racism and violence on BIPOC communities and prioritize equitable access to urban nature

Open Discussion

Attendee Cap

Who is welcome to attend?

Host Company or Agency

Wednesday, December 9
5:00 PM ET | 2:00 PM PT
Registered attendees only

Pre-registration is required to access the session “Join” button in your custom Virtual Lobby.