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Don’t Lose Your Riders: Centering on Equity in Bus Network Redesign

Sweeping the nation: Bus network redesigns! From Houston to Austin to Columbus to New York City, transit agencies across North America have been rethinking their transit maps from the ground up, often with immediate improvements for riders.

However, cities and transit agencies are facing a new set of challenges. In many regions, housing costs are rising and bus riders are being displaced to less dense areas that are difficult to serve with frequent transit. This panel will explore this trend and build on the bus network redesign topic through the lens of equity. How can transit operators serve constituencies that are the core of bus ridership? How can they set policy or push through reforms to land use to make their service more productive, more useful, and more equitable? What are the other questions we need to ask to take on this challenge, and who needs to be brought to the table?

Session Format: Moderated panel discussion