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Soul of Pacoima: Designing Active Streets with Cultural Relevance and Respect

Explore Van Nuys Boulevard in Pacoima, one of the most highly transited corridors in the City of Los Angeles. For years the design of the street was not compatible with its usage: Van Nuys Boulevard was a haven for high speed motor vehicle traffic, as well as countless pedestrian and cyclist collisions and many traffic fatalities. Through thoughtful and intentional community planning efforts, Pacoima Beautiful and LADOT transformed the streets into the pride of the local community that supports many modes of transportation and highlights the rich tradition of mural art in the community. Traffic calming measures, including parking protected bike lanes and continental crosswalks, have had a dramatic effect on the safety of Van Nuys Blvd and the building conversion of a dead end on Bradley Boulevard into a public plaza created safe recreational space –all out of previously fume-choked asphalt.


Brian Gallagher, Principal Transportation Engineer, District Operations Bureau, Los Angeles DOT

Andres Ramirez, Clean Energy Director, Pacoima Beautiful