Brian Gallagher is the Principal Transportation Engineer of the District Operations Bureau, at the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation; where he was worked for the last 33 years. From 1985 to 1999, he was actively involved in the development and operation of the City’s Automated Traffic Surveillance and Control (ATSAC) System. In addition to being an expert at real-time signal systems, he did early work in Active Transportation before that term was originated, including publishing numerous research papers on pedestrian characteristics, visually impaired pedestrians, microwave pedestrian detection, and older pedestrians, as well as collaborating with others to originate the City’s first “Smart Crosswalk” , bicycle detection configuration, technology to extend pedestrian signals for slower pedestrians, standards for the use of adaptive devices at signalized intersections, and the implementation of vibro-tactile pedestrian signals. Currently, he is responsible for the operation of six “District Offices” that provide transportation solutions to everyday problems experienced by elected officials, residents, businesses, and roadway users of all types, as well as to develop innovative solutions and policies when existing solutions do not exist. Brian is an expert in traffic control devices, and the legal standards associated with them, and he represents the Department as a Person Most Qualified in litigation matters. He has taught courses in traffic signal systems at University of California Irvine and California State Los Angeles, and he worked for seven years as an Expert Examiner helping to write the California Professional Traffic Engineer exam. He was awarded the City’s “Civic Engagement Neighborhood Vanguard” award in 2018 for his work with the community. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of California Irvine.