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Follow the River: Elysian Valley to Downtown

Everyone knows the LA River. You may remember the large, trapezoid-shaped concrete river bed, topped with rows of high voltage power lines from such films as Grease and Terminator II. Channelized mostly in the 1930s, the once meandering LA River is experiencing a rebirth. Agencies up and down the river are working to bring nature and people back to the river. One project, funded by Measure M and breaking ground in 2023, will enable recreational and transportation use of the river by closing an 8-mile gap to create a 32-mile-long continuous bike path, completely separated from automobile traffic. The project will not just knit together the path – it will connect all of the communities in between, including Union Station – Los Angeles’ regional transit hub.

This WalkShop is co-sponsored by Alta Planning + Design and Jacobs


Julia Salinas, Transportation Planning Manager, LA Metro


Chris Serroels, Jacobs

Emily Duchon, Alta Planning + Design

Deven Young, Alta Planning + Design