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Meet the Cities

Meet the Cities

This reception and presentations will provide NACTO member cities with the opportunity to showcase some of their innovative and successful projects in a flexible and intimate setting, allowing conference attendees to become more familiar with member cities and the exciting work they have been accomplishing.

Session 1: 5:05–5:20 PM

  • [A] Baltimore 1:
    “‘Transportunities’ – Creating Access to Opportunities through Transportation Connections”, Betty Smoot & Frank Murphy
  • [B] Charlotte 1:
    “Multi-modal Supply and Demand Data”, Norm Steinman
  • [C] Minneapolis 1:
    “Streets Large & Small”, Lacy Shelby, Chris Engelmann, & Mackenzie Turner Bargen
  • [D] Salt Lake City 1:
    “Discover Broadway: Salt Lake City’s newest protected bike lane (PechaKucha)”, Becka Roolf
  • [E] San Jose 1:
    “Innovative Traffic Signals and Streetlights”, Hans Larsen & Lilly Lim-Tsao
  • [F] Vancouver 1:
    “Regional Transit Investment and the Broadway Corridor”, Lon LaClaire
  • [G] Somerville 1:
    “Meet Somerville, Mass: A small city with a big transit project”, Sarah Spicer

Session 2: 5:25–5:40 PM

  • [A] Boston 1:
    “Complete Streets: Guidelines + Mobility Hubs”, Vineet Gupta
  • [B] Chicago 1:
    “Chicago Bike Lane Challenge: 100 Miles in 4 Years”, Luann Hamilton
  • [C] Philadelphia 1:
    “Going to the Boardwalk”, Mike Carroll
  • [D] San Francisco 1:
    “Bicycle Strategy: Green lanes and more for everyday bicycling”, Mike Sallaberry & Miriam Sorrell
  • [E] Toronto 1:
    “Toronto’s Coordinated Street Furniture Program: A P3 Success Story”, Stephen Buckley
  • [F] Washington DC 1:
    “moveDC: The District’s Multi-Modal Long-Range Transportation Plan”, Kelly Peterson
  • [G] New York 1:

Session 3: 5:45–6:00 PM

  • [A] Boulder 1:
    “City of Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan”, Randall Rutsch
  • [B] Los Angeles 1:
    “Broadway Dress Rehearsal Sets the Stage”, Valerie Watson
  • [C] Oakland 1:
    “Should I Stay or Should I Go – Bike Parking and Wayfinding Programs that Get Results”, Jennifer Stanley
  • [D] San Diego 1:
    “Big impact, small budget: SD Bike Program”, Linda Marabian
  • [E] Seattle 1:
    “Parking Management in Seattle: What Does the Data Say?”, Jonathan Williams
  • [F] Phoenix:
    “Making Streets More Livable in Phoenix”, Mark Melnychenko
  • [G] Burlington 1:
    “Building the Case for Great Streets”, Peter Owens & Peter Keating

Session 4: 6:05–6:20 PM

  • [A] Baltimore 2:
    “Baltimore City Strategic Transportation Safety Plan”, Betty Smoot and Frank Murphy
  • [B] Charlotte 2:
    “Urban Roadways Classification Method”, Norm Steinman
  • [C] Minneapolis 2:
    “Bicycle & Pedestrian Corridors”, Lacy Shelby, Chris Engelmann, & Mackenzie Turner Bargen
  • [D] Salt Lake City 2:
    “The Salt Lake City Hive Pass: Helping to make transit cheap, easy, and equitable”, Cris Jones
  • [E] Toronto 2:
    “Transportation Tackles Tagging: Graffiti Management and the StreetARToronto Program”, Stephen Buckley
  • [F] Washington DC 2:
    “We’re #2! We’re #2! Building biking in the District”, Sam Zimbabwe
  • [G] New York 2:

Session 5: 6:25–6:40 PM

  • [A] Boston 2:
    “Go Boston 2030: Imagining Our Transportation Future”, Alice Brown
  • [B] Chicago 2:
    “Improving the Nation’s Busiest Off-Street Trail”, Janet Attarian
  • [C] Philadelphia 2:
    “Fixing the Boulevard”, Mike Carroll
  • [D] San Diego 2:
    “Big impact, small budget: Plaza de Panama at Balboa Park”, Linda Marabian
  • [E] San Jose 2:
    “Increasing Walking and Bicycling in Central San Jose”, Paul Smith & Jessica Zenk
  • [F] Portland:
    “New Bikeways in Portland, left side buffered bike lanes, cycle tracks and using stormwater facilities for separation”, Dan Layden
  • [G] Burlington 2:
    “Moving Forward on Great Streets”, Peter Owens & Peter Keating

Session 6: 6:45–7:00 PM

  • [A] Boulder 2:
    “Street Repurposing Project – Help Boulder, CO brainstorm the Folsom Corridor for street repurposing”, Kathleen Bracke
  • [B] Los Angeles 2:
    “MyFigueroa Streetscape Project”, Tim Fremaux
  • [C] Oakland 2:
    “Oakland’s Lake Merritt Restoration and the Freeway Removal that Made it Possible”, Wlad Wlassowsky
  • [D] San Francisco 2:
    “Muni Forward: Red lanes and more for making Transit better”, Sean Kennedy & Britt Tanner
  • [E] Seattle 2:
    “Parklets and Plazas and Play Streets, Oh My! Seattle’s Active Streets”, Kevin O’Neill
  • [F] Vancouver 2:
    “Seaside Greenway: Closing the Gap, Opening the Street for All”, Dale Bracewell