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In early June, the Tennessee State Department of Transportation (TDOT) became the sixth State DOT to officially endorse NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide, a blueprint for designing safe, sustainable and multi-modal urban streets. The endorsement, which follows similar actions by Washington, Massachusetts, California, Utah, and Minnesota, represents the first by a southern state DOT and cements […]

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NEW YORK (June 11, 2014) — The Urban Land Institute, a global research and education institute dedicated to responsible land use and creating sustainable communities, is endorsing the Urban Street Design Guide, published last year by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). The guide embraces the unique and complex challenge of designing urban streets, emphasizing […]

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The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced today that the City of Vancouver has joined NACTO, making Vancouver the second Canadian city to join this collaborative peer network committed to advancing urban transportation and city street design. “Vancouver’s ambitious targets for green transportation are closely aligned with NACTO’s mandate to provide 21st century transportation […]

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The May 2014 issue of ITE Journal featured an article synthesizing principles for urban intersection design, as recommended in the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide. According to authors Michael King and Rick Chellman, “the intersection of two or more streets can be a point of conflict or meeting—a location to manage movement, or a chance encounter between friends. This dichotomy […]

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The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced today that the City of Toronto has joined as NACTO’s first International Member. In joining NACTO, Toronto further demonstrates the city’s commitment to sustainable transportation policies and livable city street design standards. “I’m extremely pleased that the City of Toronto is the first international member to […]

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New York, NY, May 7, 2014 The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced today that Gabe Klein is joining its strategic advisory board. This board is comprised of distinguished thought leaders with expertise in city transportation, urban design, and public policy, and it provides strategic counsel as NACTO continues to advance a new […]

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In a strong formal showing of institutional support for livable streets, the Minnesota Department of Transportation, City of Minneapolis, City of Saint Paul, and Hennepin County issued a joint letter recognizing the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide as an excellent reference when designing urban streets and public spaces. This coordinated approach, the first multi-jurisdictional letter […]

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Linda Bailey, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials, released the following statement in response to the administration’s proposed GROW AMERICA Act: “NACTO applauds President Obama and Secretary Foxx for putting forward a strong plan for the federal transportation program through 2018, the GROW AMERICA bill. We appreciate the increased funding and the recognition […]

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The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) officially endorsed the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide, a vision for city street design that supports walking, biking, transit and public space, in addition to driving.“As a department, we are committed to including active transportation, such as walking and biking, when planning and constructing projects on Utah’s roads,” said […]

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­­­ Press contact: Corinne Kisner, 646-629-4165 Oakland, CA, April 11, 2014 The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) officially endorsed the NACTO Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Design Guide as valuable toolkits for designing and constructing safe, attractive local streets. This endorsement, which Malcolm Dougherty announced at NACTO’s Cities for Cycling Road Show in Oakland, […]

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