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NACTO Announces Awardees of Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery Grant Program

The COVID-19 crisis has amplified the existing crisis of racial inequity, and pandemic response is inextricably linked with the fight for racial justice. As cities across the US begin to ease restrictions on non-essential travel and businesses, and implement projects and policies designed for recovery, we cannot return to a pre-pandemic normal that disinvested in […]

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10 NACTO members will receive $25,000 grants for rapid-response street redesigns The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), in partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies, today announced a rapid-response grant program supporting efforts in 10 cities to transform streets in communities hit disproportionately by the COVID-19 pandemic—with projects that enable safe physical distancing for people walking, […]

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NACTO Statement on New CDC Guidance: Transit Needs to be Prioritized, Not Feared

Corinne Kisner, Executive Director of the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), issued the following statement in response to new CDC guidance that recommends incentivizing commuting by single-occupancy vehicles: Transit is essential for daily life in cities of all sizes. For millions, including people working in healthcare, warehouses, and grocery stores, transit is a […]

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NACTO Releases Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery, Providing City Officials with New Resources in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Crisis

From pop-up bike lanes to shared streets to streets for outdoor dining, NACTO’s new design and implementation resource provides the most updated street design approaches cities are using May 21, 2020 | For Immediate Release Contact: Alex Engel | [email protected] The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) today released Streets for Pandemic Response and […]

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NACTO Community, With concern and uncertainty spreading around the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, we wanted to share the steps we are taking to protect our staff and community, limit risk, and help  #FlattenTheCurve. First, until COVID-19 is better understood and the risk of contraction reduced, our staff will be working remotely. We acknowledge that many businesses, […]

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Grand Rapids’ Atlas Avenue

In the past few decades, the streets of Grand Rapids have faced intertwined demands—from new residents moving in to growing demands for multimodal travel to reduced investment in the maintenance and quality of the city’s roadways. In response, the City designed an ambitious initiative: the Vital Streets program, which calls for integrating complete streets and […]

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NACTO’s Design Trainings: Helping Your City Achieve its Goals

Over the past decade, North American cities have risen to the challenge of changing transportation pressures. Whether for safety, congestion management, or climate action, the way cities design streets is changing. NACTO supports this work by building city capacity to design streets that foster more safe, efficient, accessible, and sustainable communities. One of the ways […]

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