Zabe Bent has nearly 20 years of experience in multimodal planning and urban development. She is skilled at conceptual design, transit planning, and communications. As a Principal Planner at the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, Zabe managed a range of efforts including advancing two of San Francisco’s key bus rapid transit corridors, its congestion pricing feasibility study, the update to SF’s long range countywide transportation plan, as well as several neighborhood transportation plans. Zabe also worked across the country as a Principal at Nelson\Nygaard and independently in cities like Boston, Addis Ababa, and Nairobi, focusing on complete streets design and policy, and bus rapid transit. Her efforts have focused on a combination of multimodal accessibility and demand management strategies, with a view to blending the person-level of analysis and design with that of system-level planning in order to balance an efficient network with safe access and mobility.
Zabe has served on the boards of Imprint.City, the San Francisco Museum of the African Diaspora Vanguard, and, most recently, One Island Media. She spends her free time pursuing creative interests, from silversmithing to cooking to creative writing. She holds a BA from Barnard College, as well as a Master in City Planning and Master of Science in Transportation from MIT.